Computational Thinking in PE

BY Andrew Kirk & Kristen Callahan

Stony Brook Elementary School

Project Description
Computational Thinking in PE Class – Collaboration project with Technology and PE: Teaching computer
science concepts with movement!

Small Scale 2nd Grade Implementation – 3 classes:
Coding without Computers – Technology and PE

How will the project be evaluated (e.g. how will you gauge its success)
Long Term Goals/Questions:
– Where are the major gaps in implementation? Where are the hooks?
– How can we effectively scale up in order to assess…. The long term impact of this approach?
– By exposing students to this embodied approach (computational thinking combined with physical activity)
early are they able to transfer this type of computational thinking, distributed cognition, and algorithmic logic to
– Can we qualitatively measure this over time by committing to follow this group of kids over the next few
– How do they engage in project based learning/problem solving in upper elementary, middle school?
– Are they qualitative differences with their problem solving approach?
– Are they applying quantitative thinking as they approach problems?

Benefit to the students and the school
Learning Goals:
– computational thinking skills, distributed cognition, algorithmic approach to problem-Solving
– collaboration, problem-solving, critical thinking, etc.
– understanding of basic coding concepts and application of knowledge in various settings
student/teacher engagement/motivation.

Timeline of Project (when will you do the project, if applicable)
Implementation: Initial Phase 6 month span
– Unruly Splats
– Lightbot
– Codapiller Type Commands – Lego Maze, Robot Turtles
– Scratch Jr – Dance
Next Steps: April 2020 looking ahead to 2020-2020 Academic Year Scale Up